List of Tamil words in Jarawara language
Dr . V.R . Annadurai Variankaval Ramasamy ; MD; DPM;
consultant Psychiatist
Jarawaras live in the municipality of Labrea, in the state of Amazonas, Brazil.
Clues to read Jarawara words into Tamil;
letter ‘k’ =; ‘v’; ‘v’=; ‘k’.
Add vowels then and there.
Add letter ‘m’ and; ‘n’ then and there.
Letter ‘p’ and letter ‘s’ can be retained/ deleted /added or exchanged.
A letter can be read more than once.
If a letter occurs more than once consecutively, it has to be read only once.
Ref; Jarawara - English Dictionary by Alan Vogel
English - Jarawara- Tamil
*1. hole- ata- oaattai
*2. chin- anate- naadi
* small- iisina- sinna/ small
* abi- appa
* atari- thoar
6.forehead- ate- neththi
7.stalk - ate- thandu /thattai; nettu
*8. abdomen- ate mate- adi madi/ moadu / lower abdomen; adi- lower; moadu- stomach.
9.make a sound- ati- oaasai idu; oaasai- sound
10. think- atina- ennidu- letters are in reversed order.
*11. near- ayata- otti
12.bread- bao- appam
*13. outside surface / back- bari- puram
*14. rotton- bata- uoosi poaeida bebete- oadi poaeidu /run away; oaadu- run.
*16. small- biti- podisu
*17. female- fana – pen
18.wife- fati -pondaatti
19.blossom- fatana- pooththidanum
*20.big- fota- peththa/ padu
21. burnt- hati- thee idu/ burn; letter ‘t’ is read more than once
*22. talk- hiyara- urai
*23.say - iti- oaathu
24.dry - hoko- kaaya
*25.cocoa- hoko- kaai
26.sit on the ground, injured- kawita- kunthu/ sit; kaayam adaiya- injured.
27.sting- ita- theenda
*28. take out- iti- edu
29.hold- iti- pidi
30.grandfather- iti- thaaththa; letter is read more than once.
*31. hit- ita- adi ; idi
*32. take a bunch- ka kiti- koththu edukka; koththu- bunch; edukka-take; edukka – letters are in reversed order.
*33. snap – totikosa- odikka
34.feces- iyo -aae
*35. kill- iti- adu
*36. go across- karariwa - kurukkae vaa- come across; kurukkae- across; vaa- come.
37.stretch- toka- neettuka
38.go- toka- poaiduka - kakatoma- kann kaaniththidanum
40. hand- kawa- kai
*41. itching - kakiti- kadikka
* stuck- kakita- sikkida /stuck
43.toast/fry - karawa-warukka; letters are in reversed order; karukku
*44. charcoal- karafao- kari
*45.tie together- katifo- kootti kattu; kattu- tie.
*46. tree sp- kata- kattai /wood
47. impede- kata- muttu kattai idu
*48. cat- kato- kaduvan; ka- va= va= ka.
*49. be violent with- katoma- kodumai /violence; kadumai
*50.mix- keteha-koottuka /add
*51. move very fast- kete kete be na – kada kadana poannum- go fast; poa- go.
*52. look at- kina- kaana
53.unripe- kini- kaniya/ ripe
54.gnaw- kiro na- korikkanum
*55. hard- kita- kettiya / kadinama
*56. chain- koheti-kattu
57.account- kota- kanakkidu
58.section- kote- pakuthi
*59.lie across- koto kariwa- kurukkae kida; kida-lie down; kurukkae- across.
*60. intense- kita- kadumai
61.end- matona- mudinthathu maka- maankkai; maa kaai
* tie- mato-mudi idu; mudichchi idu
*64. give birth to- naiha- eenuka
65.eye- noko- kann; letters are in reversed order. not touch- otee- thodaathae; letter is read more than once.
67. yesterday- oti- naeththu
68.tree sp- oto- thadi /timber
69. write /paint- ra wi na- waraiyanum; letters are jumbled.
70. dark- so kirine—kariya
71.thick- ta-thadiththa
72.give- tana- thanthidu /to give tafa-thuei tafe- thu tafi- oaadu
76. foot- teme- paatham
77.wear- aka- anika
*78. striped- kahato –koadu itta
79.mother- mati -moo thaai / mother of mothers; maatha
*80. jump – ti katikakanana - thaandi kuthikkanum
81. garden- tafe- thoadu
*82. screen- tera- thirai
83.point- ini-nuni
84.pocket- boso- pai play – teona -meettanum
*86.cup- koba- koappai
87.cup - kaneko- kinni
88.come and stand- nahoki- nikka/ to stand
*89. come and look-kinake- kanuka /see
*90. have sex with- yorina- yaernum
*91. stranger- yara - yaroa / some one
*92. edge- witi- ottu
93.come together- wanaki- onnawaankka; onna- together; vaankka- come.
94.go and take a look at - towa wite -poaeipaaththittu vanthidu
95.go and pick up – toti wite- poai eduththittu vanthidu
*96. to brand- totoka- soodu iduka
*97. waist- tosi- idai
98. snap- totikosa- odikka
*99.set fire- toka- thee iduka; thee- fire.
* tika- paadikka
101.examine- tika- paaththiduka / aainthiduka a musical instrument- teona- meettanum
103.unripe- tati- muththaatha
104.dear - ebe- anpae
105. my son- okato-kodukkan / son
*106. blossom - arabo-arumpa / bud
*107. together with – kataba- kooda ; koodi ;kootta
108. pierce- ita- thaiththida; letter is read more than once.
109. complain- hora na -kurai kooranum; letter; ‘ha’ is read as ‘ka’.
110. untie- katisa- kattu neekku; kattu- knot; neekku- remove.